Clearing specific energetic blockages and activating dormant DNA at the quantum level of ourselves is the organic way of raising our frequency.
This way we can expand in consciousness by turning on more of the genetic codes up to the level where we embody higher dimensional energy, coherence, clarity and brilliancy for re-awakening to the I AM PRESENCE.
The subconsious has been storing for thousands of years identities of all kinds, created in analogical moments and that are not for our highest good. Since our reality is projected from our DNA and we cary these emotionally charged identities, karma as twisted energy patterns, thoughtforms, etc., we are manifesting outside whatever is on the inside.
The clearing process is necessary prior to DNA Activation.
Our Divine Potential is found in the DNA which can be NOW cleared and safely activated.
Using specific protocols given at this time we are able to draw and hold higher templates from Source, embody more of our Higher Self, expand our consciousness and revive the original organic blueprint for Health.
About Catalin Tomescu the founder of Ascended Society
Catalin Tomescu is an Entrepreneur and Founder of Ascended Society and Terapie Holistica Bowen – SOS Medical.
He owns the family business which focuses on providing best logistics solutions. He holds a degree in management university and a logistics management license. He co-founded Infinity Events for party management and followed art expression in hairstyling, modelling and acting .
As a result of his relentless focus on DNA Activation, Catalin offers exclusive sessions for self-actualization and personal development. Dedicated to his work he helps people to remove specific discordant energetic blockages (unresolved emotions, beliefs and analogical experiences) and then activates dormant DNA at the quatum level to clear and activate the energetic circulatory system.
He is specialized on permanent healing sessions and DNA activations for spiritual growth on the multidimensional anatomy. By getting cleared, One can organically expand in consciousness, raise the frequency, get in line with their soul’s mission, embody more of his Higher Self, be happier and attract a higher grid of people, places, times, things and events.
You can send your questions, book your session and find out more at
Catalin Tomescu
Clearing specific energetic blockages and activating dormant DNA at the quantum level of ourselves is the organic way of raising our frequency.
This way we can expand in consciousness by turning on more of the genetic codes up to the level where we embody higher dimensional energy, coherence, clarity and brilliancy for re-awakening to the I AM PRESENCE.
The subconsious has been storing for thousands of years identities of all kinds, created in analogical moments and that are not for our highest good. Since our reality is projected from our DNA and we cary these emotionally charged identities, karma as twisted energy patterns, thoughtforms, etc., we are manifesting outside whatever is on the inside.
The clearing process is necessary prior to DNA Activation.
Our Divine Potential is found in the DNA which can be NOW cleared and safely activated.
Using specific protocols given at this time we are able to draw and hold higher templates from Source, embody more of our Higher Self, expand our consciousness and revive the original organic blueprint for Health.
About Catalin Tomescu the founder of Ascended Society
Catalin Tomescu is an Entrepreneur and Founder of Ascended Society and Terapie Holistica Bowen – SOS Medical.
He owns the family business which focuses on providing best logistics solutions. He holds a degree in management university and a logistics management license. He co-founded Infinity Events for party management and followed art expression in hairstyling, modelling and acting .
As a result of his relentless focus on DNA Activation, Catalin offers exclusive sessions for self-actualization and personal development. Dedicated to his work he helps people to remove specific discordant energetic blockages (unresolved emotions, beliefs and analogical experiences) and then activates dormant DNA at the quatum level to clear and activate the energetic circulatory system.
He is specialized on permanent healing sessions and DNA activations for spiritual growth on the multidimensional anatomy. By getting cleared, One can organically expand in consciousness, raise the frequency, get in line with their soul’s mission, embody more of his Higher Self, be happier and attract a higher grid of people, places, times, things and events.
You can send your questions, book your session and find out more at
Catalin Tomescu