Legea Ritmului – The Law of Rhythm
RO/EN – Schimbarea este singura constanta. / Change is the only constant.
Urmarind marea am realizat ca valurile care vin nu sunt niciodata consecutiv de aceeasi intensitate si cu cat opui rezistenta cursului organic al naturii (vietii deasemenea) cu atat simti din plin FORTA apei.
Imi aminteste de Legea Ritmului.
Legea Ritmului afirma ca energia din Univers este precum un pendul.
Cand este in stanga trebuie apoi sa fie in dreapta.
Dansul existentei se leagana continuu inainte si inapoi.
Totul este crescator sau descrescator.
Legea Ritmului guverneaza de asemenea finantele, sanatatea, relatiile si spiritualitatea ta.
Cand simti ca esti “pe val” cu relatiile (cu tine si ceilalti) si sanatatea ta sa zicem, vei putea sa prevezi ca fitnessul tau s-ar putea sa scada si increderea de sine sa fie pusa la incercare.
Dar nu este nimic in regula.
In loc sa vezi o LIPSA, ai putea sa o vezi acum precum un semn sa iti odihnesti corpul si sa integrezi noile schimbari.
Schimbarea este singura constanta.
Si pe baza acestei legi, va fi necesar cumva sa cresti intr-o stare mai inalta, un/o TU mai bun/a.
“Totul curge, in exterior si in interior; totul are fetele sale; toate lucrurile cresc si coboara; leganatul pendulului se manifesta in orice; masura leganatului spre dreapta este masura leganatului spre stanga; ritmul compenseaza.” – Kybalionul
Daca esti motivat/a sa BIRUIESTI si sa CURETI orice provocare, mentalitate, stare negativa sau tipar repetitiv care se manifesta chiar ACUM in viata intima, in business sau in spiritualitate si vrei sa avansezi cu mai multa usurinta si sa fii pe VAL in viata ta, te pot AJUTA!
Acest proces de curatare este fundatia mea de dezvoltare accelerata de peste 6 ani.
Probabil este singurul lucru pe care l-am facut consecutiv.
Trebuie sa recunosc, sunt uimit in fiecare zi de mesajele pe care le-am primit de la clientii mei drept rezultat al lucrului adanc pe care l-am facut impreuna.
Felicitari pentru alegerile lor, asa-i?
Ti-ar placea sa te ajut cu tot ce am mai bun, fara risc?
Alege astazi sa cureti ORICE blocaj din VIATA ta!
Timpul este scurt asa ca trimite-mi un mesaj sa rezolvam asta.
Cu deosebita apreciere,
Catalin Tomescu
Ascended Society – Activare ADN
While I was admiring the beauty of the sea, I realized that the waves are not hitting the shores with the same intensity consecutively.
As much as you are trying to resist nature’s organic cycle(LIFE too), the heavier you’ll feel the force of the water.
It reminds me of the Universal Law of Rhythm.
The Law of Rhythm states that the Universal energy is like a pendulum.
When is to the left, then it has to move to the right.
The Dance of the existence swings back and forth.
Everything is EITHER growing or dying.
The Law of Rhythm also governs your finances, your health, your relationships and your spirituality.
For example when you feel like on the rise with your relationships (with yourself and others) and your health, you could foresee your fitness to drop same with your self-trust to be put to the test.
But it’s NOTHING wrong with this.
Intead of sensing lack, you could see it like a sign to rest your body and integrate new ideas or perspectives.
Change is the only constant.
And regarding the Law of Rhythm, you somehow have to grow to a hightened state, a better YOU.
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” The Kybalion.
If you are motivated to overcome and get CLEAR over any existent challenge, mentality, negative state or repetitive pattern that is manifesting right NOW in your love life, your business or your spirituality and you want to move forward in LIFE with more EASE and FLOW, I can HELP you!
This clearing proces has been my foundation of accelerated development proces for over 6 years.
Maybe it’s the only thing that I did consecutively.
I must confess, I’m amazed each day by the messages I have received from my clients as a results of the deep work we did.
Congratulations for their choice, right?
Would you LIKE me to help you with what I have best, risk-free?
Choose today to end ANY blockage in your LIFE!
The time is short so send me a message so we can SOLVE this.
Kindest regards,
Catalin Tomescu
Ascended Society – Activare ADN