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Shifting Frequency

Being caught in todays political dramas is like investing your energy in a stagnant environment.

Usually, the Tyran Persona creates this since it is usually present on most public leaders now-a-days, partners, entrepreneurs, therapists and even family members.

Just a few thoughts…

What would happen if you would lead based on personal example instead of expectations?

I’m not antipolitics, but I rather see myself as a free thinker that supports human growth, freedom of speech and privacy rights.

I simply believe that we as an individuals should not even have to spend time thinking about “which evil is better” or being concerned of intrusive online surveillance through the biggest companies.

Usually, a Tyran is basically the type of person “sitting” on their self-appointed throne.

He or She are usually choosing to feel theathened by the individuals that are standing out of the crowd.

The very ones that are a bit different, that are not afraid to speak their truth and usually, due to lack of awareness of the Tyran, you can notice how personal creativity impulses are blocked.

This shadow persona is usually using fear and control mechanisms for their please and not having a sense of dignity for using their influence power at will.

But for people dealing with tyrans in a working relationships such as a business partner or employee, it’s a toxic space that does not stimulate growth, authenticity, joy and soul expression.

At the quantum level there is some kind of opposite magnetic attraction between tyran and victim mentality, as Yin and Yang.

That is why most people choose to feel insecure, anxious and even to keep the ties related particular places or people.

The thing is…

The human DNA is affected by the state of the environment such as energy vortices, mental energies of others and even biological features such chemical pollution.

All of this is supported through scientific evidence.

Toxic enviroments are usually created by unaware or energetic insensitive people.

This affects workspaces, offices, communities, groups and most of all the families.

In this type of environment your body will tell you all you need to know about it.

Usually when someone in your group is in fear mode, you tend to sense a contraction in your body, mainly in your heart, isn’t it?

So… What can you do?

If you’ve become somehow conscious of this, chances are you may find yourself caught in manifesting all kind of other tyrans and/or victimis around, or maybe you identify yourself with this.

Because one attracts the other.

Think about this for a second….

It’s the fundamental universal laws such as the law of Resonance that states the facts that you only manifest what is in harmonic resonance with you and thus if you have to manifest something differint you can simply make a SHIFT in your FREQUENCY.

There are no tyrans without victims. There are no victims without tyrans.

But we see so much bullying these days. In schools, in relationships, in media, in workspaces and communities, even in churches or family systems.

This is because unfit parts of our individual awareness keeps attracting this very reality into your field using the frequency of your DNA or consciousness field.

For example if one person has victim frequencies in their field and unconscious memories related to this, most of the time he or she will attract a tyran who will restimulate the same identities until they are completely gain the wisdom behind of that or will be more attracted to other victims.

You can empower your manifestations by clearing your mind first. The unconscious mind.

My experience over the years is that when I have cleared this energetically to myself, I became so much BORED of the drama that I was attracting before.

I was free for the first time because I could finally shift my attention to things that matter the most.

And it is my though that we all should do this.

If you resonate with this and would like to receive guidance to repattern this for the benefit of yourself and others, let me know.

We can work this out via skype for communication purposes.

Distant clearings and activation involve advanced sacred geometry, secure telepatic transmissions (through what we call as Intelligent Space), intention, the language of the Higher Self, directing bioenergy for morphogenetic improvement.

The activations promote joy, infinite wisdom, wellbeing, unconditional love and a deeper sense of connection and internal space for any person.

So, the session are ultimately stimalating you to cultivate the state of vibrational harmonization.

If you’re having thoughts of how you can improve yourself that most in an efficient way, send me a message now.

I’m looking forward getting you in the best shape posible as I can tailor clearings for your highest benefit.

We can find a good time for both of us so you can maintain your focus on the important things only.

PS: May I propose the mantra of the day:

The more I notice other people “trumping”, the more I turn my attention inwards.

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